Video: Price explosion shakes electricity and gas customers

Price explosion shakes electricity and gas customers

The sharp rise in electricity and gas prices will have a full impact on consumers in the new year. The comparison portal Check24 announced on Tuesday that the prices in the basic service have already been increased or this has been announced in more than 1000 cases. On average, the increase is more than 60 percent. For a family who lives in a row house, this means an average of almost 1,000 euros more annually on the gas bill. The chairman of the gas association Future Gas, Tim Kehler. “There was a situation where we saw the price tripling up until the beginning of last year. Nobody thought that the prices would quintuple again at this point. And some who actually have not pursued a long-term conservative procurement policy are actually then went bankrupt. ” In the past few weeks, various smaller providers have filed for bankruptcy or canceled deliveries to their customers. Shortly before Christmas, the utility Stromio sent its customers a farewell letter. The reason given was that the prices had increased by over 400 percent.


In the past few weeks, various smaller providers have filed for bankruptcy or canceled deliveries to their customers.

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