Video: Police clear Ottawa trucker camp

Police clear Ottawa trucker camp

Canadian authorities began clearing the Ottawa trucker protest camp on Friday. The demonstrators have occupied the city center for three weeks. Out of fear of an escalation, the police initially only imposed fines and only then began making arrests. Ottawa Police Chief Steve Bell: “Last night we started the additional measures. We moved officers to critical positions and set up checkpoints in the city center. We arrested key people responsible for the organization. By the afternoon we had arrested 70 people. They have been charged with various offences.” Some demonstrators had barricaded themselves behind piles of snow to slow the police advance. More than 20 vehicles were towed away. Some left voluntarily, police said. The protests originally started to prevent cross-border corona vaccination for truck drivers. In the end, however, the blockade had developed into an anti-government demonstration. Many demonstrators had announced that they would remain peaceful. But also that they will not budge until they are physically removed. Police expect it will take days for the protests to break up.


Many demonstrators had announced that they would remain peaceful. But also that they will not budge until they are physically removed.

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