Video: Outbursts of Emotion in North Korea |

STORY: North Korea is celebrating itself. Namely, for the fact that the country claims to have won the fight against the corona virus three months after the first officially confirmed case. Foreign experts doubt that, however. Ruler Kim Jong Un had ordered the lifting of all measures to protect against the spread of the corona virus. At a celebration in the capital Pyongyang, Kim praised the military medics who have been leading the fight against Covid-19: “When the country was in an emergency situation, the people’s army medics, prepared for war, came to the front lines . Which was of great importance in the country’s fight against the disease. It gave confidence to the population, who were concerned about the spread of the fever. And finally led to victory.” The audience present were – it seemed – overwhelmed by Kim’s words. The pictures of the North Korean state television showed how many struggled with their composure or even burst into tears. State news agency KCNA reported that Kim felt a deep need to recognize the work of paramedics and their victims. While Kim was in a good mood, his sister Kim Yo Jong presented himself in a rather bad mood. She sharply rejected the South Korean offer of extensive economic aid in return for nuclear disarmament. According to KCNA, she called the proposal simple and childish. South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol should – literally – “shut up”.


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