Video: Olaf Scholz gets rebuff from climate activists

NOTE: This post does not contain a speaker text. KLIMAACTIVIST HENNING JESCHKE: “We have the feeling that we wanted to have an honest conversation here.” EXPECTED NEXT FEDERAL CHANCELLOR OLAF SCHOLZ (SPD): “Yes, I want that too.” KLIMAAKTIVIST HENNING JESCHKE: “Since the hunger strike, this has been our concern to be clear that the climate debate is just past points of what is in store for us. Therefore, the question again, just very simply, you can tell us or have it You are too afraid of it if this is not to come on stage, yes, at two degrees billions of people will be threatened with starvation. ” (Cut) KLIMAACTIVIST HENNING JESCHKE: “So the question is, let’s take what is going on and look at these hard facts, or, if we continue not to look at them, then politics will be overtaken by the facts . ” EXPECTED NEXT FEDERAL CHANCELLOR OLAF SCHOLZ (SPD): “I have a plan, which I have just tried to explain to you, and I think that is also the right one. Because if we humans -” KLIMAACTIVIST HENNING JESCHKE: “How should I mine Daughter, if I should have one, explain in twenty years time – look in the eyes and say, we knew what happened then, but we didn’t take the steps, everyone saw, the scenarios were calculated, worst case. It went on in the worst case. How should I explain this to her? Should I stand in front of her – how should I explain what happened there? That we continued anyway. Because the political class couldn’t manage to say there is no budget more. We’ve burned enough already. Put in reverse. We need to clean up the atmosphere again. How would you explain that to her? ” EXPECTED NEXT FEDERAL CHANCELLOR OLAF SCHOLZ (SPD): “I want to explain to you now why I believe that it is already the case that you can trust that I and the upcoming government that is now being formed have a plan, who is also the right one, and which one can also pursue, because if you take up your question, for example, what about the people who live on both sides of the equator and how we can develop a good perspective for them if If we look at the perspective of the world as a whole, then the answer to this is that we ensure, for example, that the possibility of using renewable energies takes place everywhere in the world, that we manage to enter the use of hydrogen on a large-scale basis so that we can become climate-neutral industry and Being able to bring about the economy in Germany, and in the world. And that is the task that we actually have and that we now have to implement. But – “KLIMAAKT IVIST HENNING JESCHKE: “Do you feel these emotions?” EXPECTED NEXT FEDERAL CHANCELLOR OLAF SCHOLZ (SPD): “No, I, I have some too. I just honestly don’t think it’s okay to assume that other people don’t care what challenges they face and that their plans are not serious . I have very serious plans and I am not the only one, these are the ones that are followed by many. “KLIMAACTIVIST LEA BONASERA:” I have to switch on again, please. ” EXPECTED NEXT FEDERAL CHANCELLOR OLAF SCHOLZ (SPD): “And what I also don’t like is that it gives the impression that what I have just presented here, for example, is a very simple path. It is one that is in the world has not yet been trodden, and it is someone who is just the bravest in the world who has been trodden on. “


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