Video: Netanyahu announces weakening of planned judicial reform

STORY: For the eleventh weekend in a row, people took to the streets in Israel against the planned judicial reform. They accuse the government of conservatives, religious fundamentalists and right-wing nationalists of endangering the democratic control of ministers by the courts. The future of democracy is at stake. After more than two months of massive protests, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has now announced that the reform will be weakened. Originally, the legislative package sought by the far-right government was supposed to be ratified by April 2, when the Knesset went into parliamentary recess. On Monday, Netanyahu and his religious-nationalist coalition partners said most projects would be shelved until the Knesset reconvened on April 30. The focus of the reform is the procedure for selecting judges. The government wants to increase its influence and limit the powers of the Supreme Court. As amended, the body is to consist of three ministers, three government MPs, three judges and two opposition MPs. But that would still mean a slimmer government majority of six to five.


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