Video: Motorists groan about high gasoline prices

Drivers who refuel these days have to dig deep into their pockets. Because gasoline is becoming more and more expensive. At a petrol station in Frankfurt, a liter of super cost just under 1.80 euros on Wednesday. Similar prices were reported from other cities. The fuel price is thus approaching its historic high, and in some places it has even exceeded it. In addition to heating oil and gas, gasoline is currently one of the most important drivers of inflation in Germany. Drivers are not very enthusiastic: O-TON MANUEL CID “Yes, you can see that on your wallet, you can see it everywhere, everything is getting more and more expensive, only the wages are getting smaller and smaller, unfortunately it has to be like that, yes, but it sucks. ” O-TON PETRA SÜRBORG “I think that’s outrageous, especially because the state also earns a lot from it, that’s not the gas station that makes the profit and something has to happen, so I don’t know whether it Government, we don’t have any, because we’re doing something like that, but since it’s good for the state, I don’t think so either and for those who drive their cars every day it’s an existential question. ” In view of the rising prices for electricity, gas and petrol, the Federal Association of Consumer Organizations, VZBV, demanded state aid for low-wage earners and the needy. In this context, the Association of Towns and Municipalities had also spoken out in favor of higher heating subsidies for low-wage earners.


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