Video: More explosions in Crimea

STORY: In the Ukraine war, several explosions again shook the Crimean Peninsula, annexed by Russia. The official news agency RIA reported a fire in a substation near the village of Dzhankoy. There are also said to have been detonations in an ammunition depot. There were no seriously injured, said Crimean Governor Sergei Aksyonov: “A five-kilometer zone around the warehouse where the detonation took place was cordoned off. The causes of the detonations are being determined by the Defense Ministry and the investigative commission. So far we have information on two injured people. Luckily their lives are not in danger.” Russia uses Crimea, annexed in 2014, as a base for its Black Sea Fleet and as the main supply route for its invading forces in southern Ukraine. The Ukrainian government recently announced the goal of wanting to recapture the peninsula as well. A Russian military base in Crimea was badly damaged by several detonations last week. Ukraine has not yet declared whether it is responsible for this. Russia speaks of an accident.


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