Video: Merkel: High energy prices must not hinder the path to climate neutrality

Merkel: High energy prices must not hinder the path to climate neutrality

NOTE: This post will be broadcast without a narration. O-Ton Angela Merkel (CDU), Federal Chancellor: “We first talked about the rise in energy prices yesterday. The reasons for this are very diverse and also have a lot to do with the global situation, the growth phase after Covid, the increased Asian energy consumption. The Commission has issued a communication which we all consider to be a very good basis for further work will also hold in-depth discussions with the energy ministers again. The Commission will also draw up another study of the functioning of the market until mid-November It differs from the debates that are still to come on climate change, from the “fit-for-fifty-five” discus sion. Because the medium-term and long-term restructuring of our energy supply must move towards climate neutrality. And that must not be hindered by such temporary increases in prices. “


Chancellor Angela Merkel demands that the current high energy prices should not hinder the path to climate neutrality for the European Union.

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