Video: Medical first aid for animals of refugees

Medical first aid for animals of refugees

STORY: Some traumatized animals in Tegel. A veterinary station has opened at the former capital airport. The veterinarians are there to give refugees from Ukraine the support they need after they had to leave their country because of the Russian war of aggression. Annette Rost, spokeswoman for the Berlin Animal Welfare Association, said on Thursday in Tegel: “It’s about 3 percent. That’s the rate we’ve been evaluating at the moment, the people who have fled actually come with a pet. In most cases without a transport box. A cat that was just wrapped in a jacket that was carried all over Ukraine and then also escaped through Poland and then eventually ended up here.” And not only people are traumatized by war and flight. Even some four-legged friends are not too relaxed about leaving familiar surroundings, as this woman explains: “Well, when we got to the border with Slovakia, he crossed the border illegally. Because he hid in the bus and we him couldn’t find it. We didn’t find it until we got to the hotel. It was under the driver’s seat. The only place we didn’t check.” According to the city of Berlin, around 10,000 people come to the federal capital every day. In total, according to the United Nations, there are already over 3 million people who have left Ukraine. And it is still completely unclear how much the situation in the country will continue to deteriorate.


In the arrival center Berlin Tegel not only people from Ukraine are cared for, but also their pets.

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