Video: Lottery jackpot at over 1.6 billion

STORY: For the past 37 consecutive draws, there hasn’t been a main winner of the so-called Powerball lottery in the USA. The jackpot in the popular game of chance has swelled accordingly: to over 1.6 billion euros this week. In many places, citizens queued up on Friday to buy Powerball lottery tickets, including here in Washington. In the next drawing on Monday, if a single ticket holder correctly guesses the row of numbers, the winner can receive either a one-time lump sum cash payment or a multi-million dollar retirement payout over 29 years, according to the Lottery Authority. Winners must pick all six lucky numbers including the “Powerball” number. According to the lottery administration, the probability of winning the jackpot is 1 in 292.2 million. The current jackpot is the highest in the history of the game.


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