Video: Lambrecht: Germany must also lead militarily

STORY: NOTE: This post will be broadcast without narration. O-TON Christine Lambrecht (SPD), Federal Defense Minister: “It has something to do with our size, with our geographical location, with our economic power, in short, with our weight. That makes us a leading power, whether we want it or not. Also in the military. And that gives rise to a great deal of responsibility. It is reflected in the questions we are asked. Is Germany’s military really there when it is needed? Is Germany actually ready to fight to protect its NATO allies? Are we not just after the Letters of Article Five, but really there when a threat becomes an emergency? The “National Security Strategy” must answer this clearly and credibly. We Europeans, and thus very prominently we Germans, must do more to credibly show so much military strength ourselves to be able to prevent other powers from even thinking of attacking us. We will have to spend more money on defense. A question of Ge Intergenerational justice is not available for small money. And yes, modern armed forces cost money. They generate high operating costs for personnel and equipment. For properties and modernizations, for more training, more flight hours, more ammunition and for better supplies. From catering to medical service.”


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