Video: La Palma: volcano activities are increasing

La Palma: volcano activities are increasing

Also on Thursday night the volcano Cumbre Vieja on the Canary Island of La Palma emitted lava and smoke. The Spanish island has been struggling with the volcanic eruption for five weeks now, the volcano had recently become even more active. And there is no end in sight to the exceptional situation. Since the beginning of the eruption on September 19, the lava has covered almost 900 hectares of land, over 2,000 buildings and numerous banana plantations have been destroyed. Thousands of people had to leave their homes and get to safety. The volcanologist Stavros Meletudis Tsiogal observes the situation on site: “Yes, we will have an increase in activity and some new lava flows, but luckily we have these lava flows in the area where we had lava flows before.” One can only speculate about how the situation will develop. “Yes, what we see behind us are the two lava flows. The first one has reached the sea and you can see the vapors coming out of the lava flows. And then we have the second lava flow that did not reach the sea, but only affected the banana plantation and stopped right there. That was about eight or nine days ago, it seems that there is not enough volume to push the lava flow into the sea. ” The Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez promised that the country would quickly pay out the aid payments for the hard-hit agriculture and fisheries on the island. Residents who did not have to leave their homes suffer from the ash that covers all surfaces on the island and makes it difficult to breathe. Air traffic on La Palma was also temporarily suspended due to the volcanic eruption.


The Spanish island has been struggling with the volcanic eruption for five weeks.

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