Video: Klopp self-critical after 1: 4 smack

STORY: NOTE: You will receive this article without the narration. “Like I said, after the game you don’t think at first, you react? It’s true that we have to reinvent ourselves because the basic things weren’t there. It’s a difficult period, there’s no doubt about that. If you don’t When you play particularly well you can usually still defend at a very high level. We were kind of in between tonight. It’s not like we have to invent a new kind of football. You always have to try to improve, but at the moment everyone would be happy if we could just play like we used to play. Tonight was the least compact performance I’ve seen in a long, long time.” “The question now – because I know the lads want to play a good game – the question is: why don’t we do it? It’s my job to find out. It’s not the first time we haven’t played very well . And there are some reasons that we know, but I really think we should have played a much better game tonight. And I’m responsible for that. I haven’t had time to think about it. It makes sense to think about it first, Watching the game again, trying to understand it and then having the right message for the team because that’s the most important thing.”


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