Video: Kai Wegner wants to come to power in Berlin

STORY: Kai Wegner wants to get out of the opposition and into the Red City Hall. The biggest trump card of the CDU top candidate before the repeat elections in Berlin is the dissatisfaction of Berliners with the current government made up of SPD, Greens and Left. His points of attack: a non-functioning public administration, ailing schools and a traffic policy that, from his point of view, is aimed directly against the car. “I want people to look to Berlin and say: This is a city where a lot is working again, not to say everything is working. At the moment people are looking at Berlin and saying Berlin, almost nothing is working there anymore. And the Berliners too, which I can see, we love this city. I was born in Berlin, I love this city. But sometimes you do wonder what is going wrong here in politics.” Another major issue for Wegner is internal security. After the riots on New Year’s Eve, the attacks on the police and fire brigade and the subsequent debates, the CDU was able to gain ground in the polls. “And now it’s time to really tackle the issue and stop looking the other way, don’t sit back and relax. And that’s why, of course, it’s never a one-way street. We have to make the youngsters an offer. But we also have to make sure of it “That the police, fire brigade and state institutions are respected. And that requires a strong state. And that also requires a policy that trusts and respects the police.” Kai Wegner is also unknown to many people in Berlin. Nevertheless, the polls see his CDU clearly ahead before the repeat election on Sunday. Nevertheless, it is questionable whether Wegner will be able to take over the office of Governing Mayor if he is elected. Because the coalition partner may then be missing. And red-green-red can continue to rule.


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