Video: Johnson wants to relocate asylum seekers to Rwanda

Johnson wants to relocate asylum seekers to Rwanda

STORY: Despite harsh criticism from civil rights activists and the opposition, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson is pushing ahead with his plans to fly asylum seekers to Rwanda. A corresponding agreement had been reached with the East African country, Johnson said on Thursday. Tens of thousands of people could be resettled in the coming years. “As of today, our new Migration and Economic Development Partnership means anyone entering the UK illegally, as well as anyone who has entered the UK illegally since January 1st, can be relocated to Rwanda. This innovative approach, endorsed by our driven by a shared humanitarian drive and made possible by the Brexit freedoms, will provide safe and legal avenues for asylum while disrupting the gangs’ business model.” Johnson said he was aware the plan would face criticism and legal challenges. But he will do whatever is necessary to implement it. According to Johnson’s government, the focus is on single young men, especially those who are seen as economic migrants. Britain will initially contribute £120 million, about €144 million, to the partnership with Rwanda. The British Prime Minister spoke in Kent, southeast England. Last year, more than 28,000 refugees and migrants from mainland Europe arrived in small boats on the beaches of the English Channel coast. As a result, tensions arose particularly between France and Great Britain. Johnson is committed to fighting illegal immigration. However, his government struggled to present a solution to its supporters. The opposition sees the Rwanda plan primarily as a diversionary maneuver by Johnson from the scandals related to parties at his official residence during the corona lockdown.


The Conservative PM said he was aware the plan would face criticism and legal challenges. But he will do whatever is necessary to implement it.

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