Video: It’s raining teddy bears in the Turkish stadium

STORY: Thousands of teddy bears and stuffed animals are flying onto the field of the Istanbul football stadium on Sunday, which is definitely not a usual sight here. Fans of the Besiktas club there had organized the fundraiser for those injured by the earthquake. There were also calls for the Turkish government to resign. Many people are critical of their handling of the severe natural disaster at the beginning of February. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has visited destroyed cities, promised rapid reconstruction and penalties for bungled construction. The earthquakes could affect Turkey’s presidential and parliamentary elections, which are due to be held by June. In view of the scarce poll numbers, they represent the greatest political challenge for Erdogan in his two-decade rule. On Monday in Adiyaman, one of the provinces hardest hit by the quake, he acknowledged his government’s shortcomings in responding to the disaster and asked for understanding. “In the first few days, we were not able to carry out the work in Adiyaman as efficiently as we wanted, among other things due to the destructive effects of the tremors, the adverse weather and the challenges posed by the damaged infrastructure.” At least one person was killed in renewed earthquakes in the south-east of the country on Monday, according to the authorities, numerous others suffered injuries, and buildings collapsed. This latest 5.6 magnitude aftershock came three weeks after a massive 7.8 magnitude quake that killed more than 50,000 people in Turkey and Syria.


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