Video: Invasion of Ukraine: Private donors and DRC get relief supplies on the way

STORY: In Berlin, too, helpers packed donations in kind for transport to Ukraine on Tuesday. These include hygiene items, food and clothing. Co-initiator of one of the actions in the capital was Ewa Herzog. “And when this whole thing started, the activists got together, German activists, Ukrainian activists, and we created this place here, where the donations from the people are loaded into the trucks and go straight to Ukraine, because there are a lot of donations, but there is no way to send the donations to Ukraine.” Here in Potsdam, too, aid supplies went east on Tuesday. Not only private initiatives, but also the German Red Cross brings help on the way. Christof Johnen, head of the DRK for international cooperation, was there in Berlin Schönefeld on Tuesday. “What the colleagues from the Ukrainian Red Cross report is very, very depressing. They often have to seek shelter themselves. They sit in basements to be protected from the fighting. They try as best they can to get out again and again . They have already helped more than 30,000 people, with food, with clothing, with all such things. But the relief supplies there are also slowly running out. And it is all the more important that we soon have the opportunity to go to Ukraine, and to support the colleagues there.” The DRK deliveries from Schönefeld initially went to the Polish Red Cross in Lublin, where the two organizations have set up a logistics center. From there, the goods should be brought to the Ukraine as quickly as possible. But they should also benefit refugees from Ukraine in Poland. On board the trucks were, for example, sleeping pads, camp beds, diapers and solar-powered lamps. A total of 88 tons of material.


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