Video: In just nine minutes: Unknown people rob a gold treasure from the museum

STORY: After the robbery of a Celtic pot of gold from a museum in Manching, Bavaria, the investigators speak of a spectacular act. It is an extraordinary damage, according to the Munich public prosecutor on Wednesday. Rupert Gebhard, Head of Collections at the Archaeological State Collection in Munich, commented on the extent of the loss: “Of course we are talking about an immeasurable ideal loss and value, but this cannot be quantified. In fact, such coins also have a commercial value. They are traded in auction houses The value per coin is between 3,000 and 4,000 euros, depending on the coin image, i.e. stamp image and condition, so that we are talking about a total commercial value of around 1.6 million.” According to official information, the stolen goods are the largest Celtic gold find of the 20th century, which was discovered in 1999 during excavations south of the ancient port of the Celtic town of Manching, as Gebhard said. Among them were 483 gold coins, so-called staters, each weighing 7.2 grams. The treasure is said to have been buried around 100 BC. The exact number of perpetrators is still unclear, said Guido Limmer, Vice President of the Bavarian State Criminal Police Office. “We assume that it was not a single perpetrator, that there were several people who committed this act, that they were probably very well informed about the conditions on site and possibly also about the security measures.” On Tuesday night, the perpetrators pried open an escape door. On the first floor of the museum, the armored glass pane of the showcase embedded in the floor was then destroyed. According to the alarm system, the process took around nine minutes. According to the information, the automated system of the museum triggered a signal. However, since the telephone and internet supply had failed at that time, the alarm was not forwarded to the security center of the security company. The police were called by a museum employee on Tuesday morning. Previously, unknown persons had also damaged a Deutsche Telekom fiber optic distribution point in Manching. Investigators see a possible connection between the crimes.


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