Video: Hero rat Magawa dies |

Hero rat Magawa has died

The news about the ability of this rat from Cambodia to fight landmines had gone around the world. Now Magawa has died at the age of eight. This has been announced by the Belgian non-governmental organization that trained and used the animal. Magawa could sniff out land mines. He tracked down more than a hundred mines and other explosive devices within five years. The charges could then be defused. Ultimately, this is how the rat saved people from death or mutilation. The African hamster rat was as agile as usual in the last week of its life and played. But then she slowed down, slept more and ate less, “said a statement from the organization. Magawa was also known as HeroRat. The veterinary charity PDSA from Great Britain awarded the animal a gold medal. In June 2021, Magawa went to the Retired He was born in Tanzania, where he was educated.


The animal could sniff out land mines. Reports of her successful work in Cambodia went around the world. The giant hamster rat had already retired last June.

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