Video: Habeck – G7 countries reject payment in rubles for energy

Habeck – G7 countries reject payment in rubles for energy

STORY: Note: This post will be broadcast without narration. O-Ton Robert Habeck (Greens), Federal Minister of Economics: “And all G7 ministers have completely agreed that this is a unilateral and clear breach of the existing agreements. They have once again underlined that the agreements concluded apply and the companies should and must be in compliance with the contract. So that means that payment in rubles is not acceptable and we call on the companies concerned not to comply with Putin’s request. Putin’s attempt to divide us is obvious. But – you can see that from this great unity and determination – we will not allow ourselves to be divided. And the answer of the G7 countries is clear. The agreements will be observed changed so that he is standing with his back against the wall – otherwise he would not have made this request.” “


All ministers of the seven largest countries agreed that the required ruble payment was a breach of the treaties, said the Green politician after a G7 conference he had called in Berlin on Monday.

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