Video: Habeck – As of today, winter use of nuclear power plants would be necessary

STORY: NOTE: YOU WILL RECEIVE THIS CONTRIBUTION WITHOUT VOICE TEXT. O-TON FEDERAL MINISTER OF ECONOMY ROBERT HABECK (GREENS): “These are the scenarios that were already the extreme scenarios for us: 45 gigawatts, the so-called “plus-plus scenario” and 40 gigawatts the “triple plus scenario”. If this development is not surprisingly reversed – and it has to be said that the forecasts made by EDF and our French colleagues have always been overly optimistic in recent years – so if these forecasts are not reversed, then I must already be responsible for energy security today Ministers say that Isar-2 and Neckarwestheim will probably remain online in the first quarter of 23. That’s the status today, I want to say that explicitly. The legislative process still has to be carried out. But the development in France has been in the last few weeks been significantly worse than actually forecast. And in this respect it is the scenario that we have to reckon with at the moment.”


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