Video: Geriatric nurses want uniform corona rules

Geriatric nurses want uniform corona rules

Dedicated strength and movement training in a Caritas nursing home in Munich. Here and in the other Caritas retirement and care facilities in the Archdiocese of Munich and Freising, the employees try to do their job as well as possible. But after more than a year and a half of the corona pandemic, many are simply drained and in the end their strengths. Now those responsible are looking with concern at the increasing number of infections and the coming winter. Above all, she expects more clarity from politics, says Doris Schneider, the manager of the 27 Caritas nursing homes in Munich and Upper Bavaria. “After all, nobody really knows what applies to the many Gs, to this and that and which. So, uniformity, longer-term communication of the rules that apply to us too Friday evening, which must be implemented on Saturday if possible. ” You currently have the impression that the federal and state governments are doing too little in the fight against the pandemic, says Schneider. The subject of “compulsory vaccination” shouldn’t be a taboo. “We would get out of this lockdown so easily if everyone who can get vaccinated decided to have a vaccination. Then we would no longer have the problem. If so, then a general compulsory vaccination and not just for certain professional groups.” Bavaria’s Prime Minister Markus Söder spoke out on Thursday for a nationwide 2G regulation in Germany. 3G regulations would have to be implemented in the workplace, said Söder. In addition, compulsory vaccination is necessary for certain occupational groups. And by that he also means nurses in old people’s homes.


After more than a year and a half of the corona pandemic, many employees in old people’s and care facilities are at the end of their lives.

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