Video games to immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the Trans Musicales

They attended the last edition in VIP mode. At the invitation of the Trans Musicales team, some forty students from the School of Photography and Video Games ( ETPA) from Rennes found themselves immersed behind the scenes of the festival at the beginning of December, discovering its atmosphere and the work of all the “little hands” who make it possible.

A great experience which also proved to be productive for these second-year students, many of whom were discovering the spirit of the Trans. Wishing to cross the worlds of music and video games, the festival team has indeed entrusted them with the mission of designing video games inspired by the Trans Musicales. A challenge taken up hands down by the students who will present their creations this Saturday at the Edulab of the Hôtel Pasteur reindeer.

In the shoes of a sound engineer

“Amazed” by the diversity of groups and audiences encountered during the last Trans, Mathieu and Félix wanted to reconstitute this festive and joyful mix in a game called Waverythm. The player embodies a character who walks through the different halls of the festival with rhythm mini-games that punctuate his exploration. “The idea of ​​the game is to inspire people who have never set foot in the Trans Musicales to go there,” says Mathieu.

At the stand next door, Léo and Thibaud offer a musical journey with Transphere where the player must guess the country from which certain artists programmed in recent years are from. More connected behind the scenes, Alexis and Eloi invite them to put themselves in the shoes of a sound and light engineer. The player must therefore solve all the technical problems that arise during a concert with difficulties that increase as the game progresses. “In case of failure, it will be felt and will break the atmosphere”, can we read on the notice of Transmusic’Hype.

Available for testing on Saturday, the games are not intended to be marketed. However, they should be honored during the next edition of the Trans Musicales which will take place from December 7 to 11.

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