Video: Fridays for Future in Berlin: Disappointed by traffic lights

Fridays for Future in Berlin: disappointed with traffic lights

In Berlin, supporters of the Fridays for Future movement took to the streets again. They demanded better, faster climate protection from the new federal government. With Carla Reemtsma. The climate activist was disappointed by the exploratory paper of the traffic light coalition of the SPD, Greens and FDP. “The parties ignore that the climate crisis is a challenge for society as a whole, to which we not only need individual measures, but real, socially just, climate-friendly answers that take the whole of society with us. That is why we are here again, you leave us with no choice but to strike again . ” Other participants also vented their anger and disappointment. “That you really gave up every point and left everything to the FDP, the smallest party with 11 percent, which has no concepts at all, which thinks that with an innovation in ten years we will perhaps solve something where we are already climate-neutral That is disappointing. ” The demonstrators also moved to Willy-Brandt-Haus, the party headquarters of the SPD, which will provide the next chancellor. Luisa Neubauer from Fridays-for-Future promised to be on the heels of the SPD. “We will do everything in our power to ensure you better watch us, dear SPD.” According to the police, almost 10,000 people took part in the demonstration under the motto “You leave us no choice”.


The demonstrators also moved to the Willy-Brandt-Haus, the party headquarters of the SPD, which will provide the next chancellor.

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