Video: Freedom Convoys also in Israel and Belgium

Freedom Convoys also in Israel and Belgium

These are protests against corona measures based on the Canadian model. In Israel, trucks could be seen on the main road between Tel Aviv and Jerusalem on Monday. And demonstrators were also honking and drumming in front of Parliament. They demanded the lifting of all Corona requirements. Many corona rules have already been relaxed in Israel, but there is still a mask requirement inside shops, for example. Here is the voice of a protester on Monday near Jerusalem about her motivation: “I am here today for freedom. I saw what happened in Canada. It is important to us that we all want to achieve something together. It works about the mood and the energy that we have here. That should be the common path so that we can live in freedom again.” Similar protests took place near the Belgian capital Brussels on Monday, which were based on the Canadian Freedom Convoys in terms of their form and intention. People from different countries came together. Among other things, Germans, like this nurse from Ludwigshafen: “I came here to stop all the madness. Well, in the hope that as many as possible will come. Many who think the same way and love freedom.” In Canada, weeks ago, truck drivers in the capital Ottawa began declaring their protests as a “freedom convoy.” Their street blockades and honking in the city center were primarily aimed at mandatory vaccination or quarantine for truckers who use cross-border traffic However, around 80 percent of the population in Canada has already been fully vaccinated, so truck drivers and their supporters are a clear minority.


In several countries, people are following the example of Canadian truckers to demonstrate against the Corona requirements.

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