Video: France is softening corona quarantine

France is softening corona quarantine

On the New Year, France reported more than 200,000 new corona infections for the fourth day in a row. The more than 219,000 newly reported infections represented the second-highest value since the beginning of the pandemic. Whether the record numbers, the government is relying on new restrictions such as an expanded mask requirement. At the same time, however, she wants to shorten the isolation time for fully vaccinated people who test positive for Corona from ten to seven days. The quarantine could be lifted after five days if the test was negative, said French health minister Olivier Veran of the Sunday newspaper “Le Journal du Dimanche”. Unvaccinated people would have to self-isolate for ten days. If the test result is negative, there is the possibility of shortening it to seven days. French President Emmanuel Macron described 2022 in his New Year’s address as the year in which the pandemic would be overcome. He wanted to believe in that, said Macron, who would like to be elected to the Élysée Palace for another term in April. However, difficult weeks are ahead of us.


Despite the high number of infections, the western neighbor shortens the isolation time for fully vaccinated people who test positive for the coronavirus.

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