Video: Flood situation in Pakistan still tense – new precipitation forecast

STORY: The situation in the flooded areas in Pakistan remains tense. For about three months, the country has been battling flooding caused by heavy monsoon rains. Millions of people are currently living in emergency shelters. Because the water is only receding slowly, returning home is out of the question. In many places there is no longer a home – the water masses have destroyed countless houses. The consequences of the flood are also felt by people in less affected areas. Food prices are high in many places – also caused by the floods. “Because of the flood, many things are scarce or unavailable. Flour, tea and other groceries are scarce. Fewer customers come and unemployment is high. Many shops are closed because there are no customers. There were always many pilgrims coming to a shrine here with us. But because of the flooding, they don’t come anymore either, business is bad. And many have nothing left to eat.” “There are few vegetables. And if there is any, then it is very expensive. Potatoes or onions, all more than 30 percent more expensive. The flood has made many things unaffordable for many people – even vegetables. The water has destroyed people’s houses and now they are worried about the high prices.” In the meantime, in some areas, fodder is also becoming scarce. Air supply is difficult, the authorities said on Tuesday. The situation is expected to deteriorate again in the next few days. The weather service has announced more rain.


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