Video: First residents leave embattled Sumy

First residents leave embattled Sumy

STORY: In Ukraine, the first evacuation of civilians from embattled cities coordinated with Russia began on Tuesday. In besieged Sumy in north-eastern Ukraine, residents boarded buses to flee to Poltava in central Ukraine. The Sumy governor said priority would be given to disabled people, pregnant women and children from orphanages. Deputy Prime Minister Iryna Vereshchuk confirmed on Tuesday that humanitarian corridors for the civilian population had also been set up in Mariupol. According to them, around 30 evacuation buses were on their way to the port city of Mariupol in southeastern Ukraine. Prime Minister Volodymyr Zelenskyy said in a video he published on Tuesday that it had snowed and he compared spring to war. Spring is rough. But everything will be fine and you will win. Most reports from Ukraine cannot be independently verified. But it is clear that the war will continue and with it the associated suffering. This father recently said goodbye to his young son in Irpin. His family is fleeing while he will remain in the country as a soldier.


In besieged Sumy in north-eastern Ukraine, residents boarded buses to flee to Poltava in central Ukraine.

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