Video: Federal government adopts supplementary budget |

Federal government adopts supplementary budget

NOTE: THIS POST IS WITHOUT SPEAKER TEXT. O-TON FEDERAL FINANCIAL MINISTER CHRISTIAN LINDNER (FDP): “No new debts will be taken on, that’s important to me to say. We only use credit authorizations that have not been used so far in order to be able to react to the pandemic-related economic situation in the future . In any case, it will remain at 240 billion euros net borrowing. We have not gone to the limit of what is possible. I expect that in the further implementation of the budget, even fewer loans may have to be taken out than originally planned. Our current decision, the Bundestag Adding a contribution to the future energy, climate and transformation fund is also an expression of solid economic activity, because we are not organizing additional debt, but moving within the framework of what the German Bundestag has already decided. “


Federal Finance Minister Christian Lindner (FDP) emphasized that no new loans would have to be taken out.

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