Video: Federal Chancellor Scholz: Inaugural visit to France

Federal Chancellor Scholz: Inaugural visit to France

The newly elected Chancellor Olaf Scholz on his inaugural visit to Paris on Friday. France is the first country he has traveled to in his new role as Chancellor. The aim of the talks with French President Emmanuel Macron was, among other things, to develop a common position on the question of which form of energy is classified as sustainable in the EU. O-TON CHANCELLOR OLAF SCHOLZ: “What we have in common is that we both see this obligation and that we are very ambitious. Germany has made a decision for itself. We are banking on the expansion of renewable energies. We are banking on the expansion of wind power on the high seas, on land and solar energy and a stable power grid and structures that make it possible to create the necessary flexibility – with gas at times and hydrogen at the end. That is the major development program that we have defined. And concentrate on it we are committed to realizing this task and making our contribution in this way. ” Germany and France have currently developed different strategies to tackle climate change. The Greens in the traffic light government reject the classification of nuclear energy as sustainable. For France, on the other hand, atomic energy is one of them because it hardly produces any C02. The questions about disposal, construction times and extremely high costs after accidents have not yet been finally clarified. The background to this discussion is a struggle within the EU over what is known as taxonomy. The aim is to give technologies a label as sustainable and harmless, so that financial flows are increasingly directed towards green technologies.


France is the first country to which Olaf Scholz (SPD) has traveled in his new role as Chancellor.

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