Video: Faeser wants to recognize and fight enemies of the constitution in security agencies

STORY: (NOTE: THIS ARTICLE IS WITHOUT SPEAKER TEXT.) O-TON FEDERAL MINISTER OF THE INTERIOR NANCY FAESER (SPD) ON FRIDAY IN BERLIN: “And what is important in this new report is that networks are in fact examined and we can see that the employees, when they are in networks, that these are above all private networks where they are embedded. That’s a bit of what often goes against this theory. They’re all lone perpetrators. No, they move in networks where they are validated. That doesn’t mean network within the security agency, but in a private environment, but where affirmation does take place.” // “If we think, for example, of police officers who steal weapons and ammunition and have plans for a coup. Or if we think of reports of police forces exchanging racist and anti-Semitic messages in internal chat groups. Such cases from the recent past disturb us deeply and such cases greatly damage the confidence of the citizens in the state and the police.” // “What’s better is that we now have a uniform method for recording the cases in the federal states and at the federal level. That gives a, I would say, more realistic picture of how many cases there are. That’s why the cases are increased, very much increased. But I think it is important to show that we are transparent, we show where there are problems. We do not tolerate right-wing extremism in the authorities and we take consistent action against it.”


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