Video: Exclusion – Federal government advises for two days in Meseberg

STORY: Some like this, others like this: In Meseberg, Brandenburg, a two-day closed meeting of the federal government began on Sunday. On the agenda are topics where things have not been going well in the traffic light coalition recently: For example, the operation of oil and gas heating, the end of combustion engines or the federal budget for 2024. You want to take some time to do some things in peace before the start of the meeting, Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz said: “We are currently in a great time of upheaval, not only because of Russia’s terrible war of aggression against Ukraine and the associated turning point, which has called into question so many things that many of us Decades seemed certain. In particular, the understanding that in Europe no borders will be moved by force, but we will also talk here about what is of great importance for the future of our country. People often talk about transformations, about major changes, about upheavals , which are taking place, but in fact what we are talking about in terms of industrial and economic modernization in this decade has to get rid of, so big that it is important to discuss it from all sides. And that’s exactly what we’re going to do here.” European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen came from Brussels. The federal government wants to talk to her about Europe’s position on geopolitical issues. Demonstrators on the sidelines of the summit called on the federal government to do more for climate protection do.


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