Video: EMA approves BioNTech’s vaccine for children

EMA approves BioNTech’s vaccine for children

Corona vaccinations will soon be officially available for them. The European Medicines Agency on Thursday recommended expanding the approval of BioNTech and Pfizer’s vaccine to five- to eleven-year-olds. Jakob Maske welcomes the decision in principle. However, the pediatrician would like to wait for a recommendation from the Standing Vaccination Committee. “We are already in a position to vaccinate off-label in specific individual cases, if there are actually medical reasons for a vaccination. We do not need the STIKO for this. And of course we can do it even more easily with approval, without To be liable, vaccinate. That makes it a little easier. But of course we want all children and adolescents to get a safe vaccine. And that is actually with the Stiko recommendation. ” According to its own information, the Stiko is preparing a recommendation to vaccinate children by the end of December. “We can only reassure the parents because the illnesses in these age groups are very harmless. We know other infectious diseases, colds, which also cause severe courses and also cause deaths. And it is similar with Corona for children, very emphatically Children. Of course, it looks completely different with adults. Therefore, we should also concentrate on adults. Here we should get better vaccination rates and concentrate on the adult vaccination. The vaccinations for children are also important, but not nearly as important like the adult vaccinations. ” The president of the professional association of paediatricians even calls for a general vaccination for adults.


The European Medicines Agency (EMA) gives the green light to the use of BioNTech and Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine in children aged five to eleven.

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