Video: Democrats defend US Senate |

STORY: In the US congressional elections, President Joe Biden’s Democrats defended their majority, at least in the Senate. The opinion research institute Edison Research predicted a victory for Democratic Senator Catherine Cortez Masto in the state of Nevada on Sunday night after days of counting crime. This means that the Democrats will have at least 50 seats in the Senate, which would correspond to the previous constellation. US President Joe Biden, who is currently in Cambodia for the Asean summit, was satisfied: “I am not surprised by the result. However, I am very happy and I think that the result reflects the quality of our candidates, who all started with the same program. And everyone complied. So I have a good feeling now and I’m looking forward to the coming years.” However, the count for the House of Representatives is still ongoing. And in the second chamber of Congress, a narrow victory for the Republicans is still expected. They could do so in the next two years blocking political projects of US President Joe Biden.


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