Video: Defense Minister Lambrecht: Our allies can rely 100 percent on Germany.

Defense Minister Lambrecht: Our allies can rely on Germany 100 percent.

STORY: (NOTE: THIS ARTICLE IS WITHOUT SPEAKER TEXT.) Christine Lambrecht, SPD, on Thursday in Berlin: “What we experienced today is a brutal war of aggression by Putin against Ukraine. International law is being trampled on. And he is suffering immeasurably in order to live out and realize his great power fantasies. Our allies can rely on Germany 100 percent. We are a reliable partner and we are also able to follow up on these words with deeds. We have already done that in relation to the reinforcement in Lithuania, in relation to air policing and more will follow. We are in the process of preparing everything. Therefore a clear commitment: Allies can rely on us, we are prepared accordingly. That is not at all questionable. And My advice to anyone with responsibility is to use all your energies to meet these challenges right now. That’s the need of the hour.” // “The federal government has a clear, restrictive arms export policy. And not just since today, not just in this federal government, for a very long time. And we will continue to act in this policy. But we will continue to support Ukraine, so like we’ve been doing for a very, very long time.”


Defense Minister Christine Lambrecht (SPD) condemns the invasion of Russian troops in Ukraine, but emphasizes that the government will continue to supply no weapons.

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