Video: Deep grief in Texas – dead at festival

Deep grief in Texas – dead at festival

Great grief in Texas. At least eight people were killed and dozen injured in a crowd and panic on Friday at a Houston music festival. The incident occurred during the appearance of rap star Travis Scott, who reported on Saturday via video message: “To be honest, I am devastated and never imagined that something like this could ever happen. I will now Do whatever it takes to keep you posted and to keep you updated on what’s going to happen. I love you all. ” With around 50,000 visitors, the two-day event was sold out. On Friday evening around 9:30 a.m. local time, a crowd began to push towards the stage. People lost consciousness or fell to the ground. Dozens of spectators then had to be taken to hospitals and treated. The police are now investigating the tragic events. The investigation is ongoing. Last year the Astroworld Festival was canceled due to the corona pandemic.


Several people were killed at the Astroworld Festival in Houston on Friday.

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