Video: Decision on traffic light coalition is approaching

Decision on traffic light coalition is approaching

It could be on Friday – the answer to the question of whether the SPD, FDP and Greens formally enter into coalition negotiations or not could be available towards the end of the day. Olaf Scholz, the SPD’s candidate for chancellor, is back from his two-day trip from Washington, and another day of exploratory talks between the negotiating teams of the three parties is scheduled. In the morning the interviewers arrived at the exhibition center in Berlin. There were also several dozen demonstrators on site who loudly called for a more consistent climate policy. In the past two days, a small group of people continued to work on preparing an agreement. So far, the SPD in particular has shown itself to be confident that the formation of a traffic light coalition at the federal level could move forward quickly. The FDP had expressed itself rather cautiously. Should the negotiators agree to start coalition negotiations, the parties will have to be consulted. In the case of the Liberals, it needs the approval of the entire federal executive committee, in the case of the SPD and the Greens, party committees must agree. A traffic light coalition made up of the SPD, Greens and FDP under Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) would be very popular among the population. According to a survey commissioned by ZDF, this applies to 62 percent of all respondents. A Jamaica coalition of the CDU / CSU, the Greens and the FDP, on the other hand, would be rejected by 64 percent of those surveyed.


On Friday, the negotiating teams from the SPD, FDP and the Greens will meet for further exploratory talks and want to take stock.

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