Video: Deadly floods in Seoul

STORY: It gushes out of the sewers and pours through the streets of Seoul. Water masses paralyzed parts of the South Korean capital on Tuesday night. Authorities reported in the morning of several dead and missing in the Seoul area. Underpasses and subway stations were flooded. The power went out in several areas, such as the chic trendy district of Gangnam. Many people were stuck in residences and businesses. Nothing worked for this eyewitness either. “It reminded me of the Titanic. I was so scared My two young sons were waiting at home so I wanted to go back as it was only 10 minutes away. But I couldn’t move, the situation was unbelievable. Today I definitely felt climate change. Situations like this are caused by him.” In some districts of Seoul, more than 140 mm of rain per hour fell late Monday evening. The Korean weather agency spoke of the heaviest rainfall in decades. And more rain is predicted. The meteorologists gave Seoul for the capital and neighboring provinces issued severe weather warnings.


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