Video: Dax investors push interest worries aside at the start of the week

STORY: Dax investors initially pushed aside the interest rate concerns fueled by the booming US job market at the start of the week and grabbed shares. The leading German index rose by 0.9 percent to 13,701 points when it opened on Monday. On Friday, the surprisingly strong US labor market fueled fears of further drastic interest rate hikes and weighed on the stock exchanges. Investors are also worried about the current tensions between China and Taiwan, says Chris-Oliver Schickentanz from Capitell Vermögens-Management AG: “Actually, this is actually a risk factor that can bring the global economy to the brink of a sharp recession. China is After all, the second largest global economy in the world has been a key engine for global economic growth in recent years. And Taiwan is one of the most important semiconductor producers. That means these are components that the global economy needs, that the German car industry needs, but we need them need around the world to actually grow and thrive.” According to a study by the ifo Institute, a trade war with China would cost Germany almost six times as much as Brexit. The biggest loser would be the automotive industry, according to the study published on Monday on behalf of the Bavarian Business Association. Companies that manufacture transport equipment and machine builders would also be severely affected.


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