Video: Dax in the red – US election and Corona in view

STORY: The close race in the US congressional elections also seems to have an impact on German investors. Because some cashed in on Wednesday and pushed the Dax down 0.2 percent to 13,657 points at the opening. Robert Halver from Baader Bank with his assessment on Wednesday morning in Frankfurt: “It was counted. But it is foreseeable that the House of Representatives will then become Republican. That means that Mr. Biden can no longer simply carry out his agenda, his policies. I expect a mud fight for two years, too. Definitely. That means America will move somewhat, but will not set a clear direction. And we don’t know yet who will then run as the Republican presidential candidate. Trump or DeSantis, the winner of the governors Election in Florida. That means it remains exciting. But the positive thing could at least be that if two parties cannot agree, then tax increases or massive interventions in the economy, i.e. regulations, will not take place.” Irrespective of this, the flare-up of the pandemic in China fueled speculation about new lockdowns with corresponding impairments for the global economy. But China is also a topic of conversation on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange for other reasons: “A sell-out of German industry to China must not happen if it is not possible to buy in China in reverse. I am an ardent supporter of worldwide globalization and a market economy. But please, the rules apply to both sides. If the Chinese want to buy from us, they can do so if German companies or European companies can also buy in China. But there seems to be a problem with that. And then you have to be careful not to sneak becomes dependent. And a German industry in Europe must not allow that.” Specifically, it is about the participation of the Chinese state-owned company Cosco in a port terminal in Hamburg, as well as the recent discussion about the sale of the Dortmund chip manufacturer Elmos to Chinese investors. According to Federal Minister of Economics Robert Habeck, the acquisition would endanger public order and security in Germany.


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