Video: Corona and Olympia: Frenzel and Weber tested positive several times

Corona and Olympia: Frenzel and Weber tested positive several times

Note: This post will be sent to you with no narration. O-TON BERND WOLFARTH, DOSB TEAM DOCTOR “So far we have had four positive cases in Team D, which were also confirmed, very early on one of our employees from the DOSB and now three athletes. It was already discussed in the introduction, one from the area Figure skating with Nolan Segert and now two confirmed cases after the arrival of the Nordic Combined. The two cases have of course already been published in the meantime after we had the second confirmation test as a positive case. That means Terence Weber and Eric Frenzel are the two. ” “All in all, one has to say that the system will now have to prove itself that as little as possible, we call it transmission, occurs within this bubble. Up to now one has to say that is the case. And with that, I think you can , also say that the system as it was set up here is a very secure system overall.”


The DOSB team doctor Bernd Wolfarth informed about this. Overall, the situation is under control.

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