Video: Compulsory vaccination in Italy causes controversy

In Italy, vaccination has been mandatory since Friday. All employees have to prove with a so-called green passport that they have received at least one vaccination dose, tested negative or have recently recovered from Corona. Employees who do not show their Green Passport are released from work without payment. Anyone who goes to work anyway must expect a fine of up to 1000 euros. The regulation has been causing disputes for weeks. O-TON DANIELA CALICCHIA, VACCINATION SUPPORTER: “I believe that the Green Pass is necessary, because unfortunately we are in the middle of a pandemic. And that is why we have to master this historic challenge on a social level.” O-TON FABIO BOCIN, VACCINATOR: “The green passport is bad. It is a legalized form of discrimination, nothing more. It is not a health regulation, but a political move to divide people so that they fight each other instead of them up there.” O-TON FABIO BONANNO, VACCINATION PROMOTER: “I think the passport is fair and in the interests of all Italians who have been vaccinated to overcome the pandemic. The vaccination is free and I would say that the vaccination campaign is in the Lazio region worked very well. I don’t understand where the problem is supposed to be. ” O-TON DAMIANO GABOS, VACCINE: “We don’t want a green passport. The Draghi government does things that violate national and international law. Against the constitution, treaties and human rights. The Draghi government does horrific things, it goes along with them the approval of the people. Unfortunately, there are not many who are against it like us. ” Italy is the first country in Europe to take such a measure to increase the vaccination rate. Most political parties and major employers’ associations supported the measure in the hope that it would avoid lockdowns in the future.


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