Video: Clinicians demand better working hours and more money

Clinicians are demanding better working hours and more money

STORY: They demonstrate for better working hours and more money. Thousands of doctors from municipal clinics came to the central rally in Frankfurt am Main. The Marburger Bund doctors’ union is demanding a linear increase in the salaries of the around 55,000 doctors by 5.5 percent for a period of one year. In addition, there should be clear limits for on-call duty and a general limitation of on-call duty to a maximum of twelve calls per month. Association chairwoman Susanne Johna: “The burden of Corona in the hospitals was very high. But unfortunately this does not mean that employers are more accommodating to us now, it is even or apparently taken for granted. And the burdens are perceived. But not really valued. We would definitely like that.” The working conditions in the hospitals are so bad in some places that many doctors would leave the clinic, it said. “Above all, we demand fairer, better working hours. As they are in every other profession. Doctors burn themselves on the wards and believe that their extra work is actually solidarity with other people. It’s just a sick system, what we do sustained by our extra work. We want the system to change.” In addition to the rally, there should be warning strikes in around 460 hospitals nationwide. The employers had recently offered 3.3 percent more wages in two stages.


There were warning strikes at municipal clinics across Germany on Thursday.

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