Video: China resumes military drills around Taiwan

STORY: China says it will continue its military exercises on water and air around Taiwan this Monday. Among other things, the submarine defense will be tested, said the responsible task force of the People’s Liberation Army on social media. China launched its largest-ever naval and air force military maneuvers in the waters around Taiwan on Thursday, originally saying they would end on Sunday. The maneuvers were preceded by a visit to Taiwan by top US politician Nancy Pelosi. The Chair of the US House of Representatives described her visit as a signal of solidarity with the island, which insists on independence. China considers Taiwan part of its territory. The Chinese maneuvers were closely observed in Taiwan’s capital, Taipei. Pelosi’s visit is still a hot topic here, too. “I’m not worried about our national defense because we have developed a whole range of hardware, including electronic devices, unmanned aerial vehicles and missiles.” “I think there are pros and cons to Pelosi’s visit. The negative side is that it’s now more complicated to export goods to China. And the positive side is that we’re getting more attention around the world.” The Taiwan Ministry of Foreign Affairs has criticized the nature and scale of the Chinese maneuvers. For its part, the country announced extensive military exercises.


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