Video: BSI warns of attack via Java vulnerability

BSI warns of attack via Java vulnerability

NOTE: YOU WILL RECEIVE THIS ARTICLE WITHOUT NON-SPEAKER TEXT BSI PRESIDENT ARNE SCHÖNBOHM: “A security update is in effect for the affected Java library” log4j “. However, all products that use” log4j “must also be adapted. This process can be adapted The BSI – we therefore upgraded the cybersecurity warning on Friday to the warning level ‘red’ on Saturday The threat situation is extremely critical, immediate protective measures must be implemented. […] The reason for this assessment, that we have upgraded it to the warning level ‘red’, is the very widespread use of the affected product and the associated effects on countless other products. The vulnerability is very easy to exploit. A ‘prove of concept’ is publicly available. So you can read how easy it is. Successful exploitation of the vulnerability enables complete takeover of the affected system. […] The end user is not that affected. Unlike entrepreneurs or organizations. The thing is, companies, of course – think of a well-known game, ‘Minecraft’, which that affected it. Updates will be made available there. Usually this will be updated when you play with it. This enables you to achieve relatively high-quality protection. “


According to the federal authorities, there is a security gap in the Java software that can be used to import malware.

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