Video: Biden’s eyes close

As always, US President Joe Biden’s schedule is full. First a long flight to the G-20 conference in Rome and shortly afterwards the world climate conference in Glasgow. When do you take a rest? Biden’s eyes fell amid a speech by an activist for more disability rights. He kept it closed for around 30 seconds. Only when he was spoken to did he open it again. In his speech, however, the US President was fully there again and addressed the US claim to leadership in the fight against global warming: “When I talk to the American people about climate change, I tell them that it’s about jobs. It’s about them Workers who will lay thousands of miles of transmission lines for a clean, modern, resilient power grid, the auto workers who will build the next generation of electric vehicles, and the electricians who will install a nationwide network of power systems to serve across the country The engineers who design new carbon capture systems and the construction workers who will put them into practice, the farmers who will not only fight hunger in the world, but also use the soil to fight climate change because we take all of these measures, the United States will be able to meet the ambitious goal el that I set out in April at the climate summit of the heads of state and government, namely to reduce emissions by 50-52% below the 2005 level by 2030. We will show the world that the United States is not only back at the negotiating table, but is also leading by example. “Before that, the United States had urged the world’s largest CO2 producer, China, to do more. President Xi Jinping, in turn, asked industrialized countries in writing Declaration not only to do more, but also to help poorer countries more. Chancellor Angela Merkel campaigned for a price on CO2 emissions in order to efficiently control the change in the world economy. Representatives of 197 countries wrestled at the UN conference a way to drastically reduce greenhouse gas emissions in this decade, because the commitments made by the international community to date are not sufficient to limit the warming of the atmosphere to 1.5 degrees compared to pre-industrial times, as agreed in the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement .


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