Video: Biden: “I don’t apologize for it”

Biden: “I don’t apologize for it”

STORY: US President Joe Biden has defended his controversial statement that Russian President Vladimir Putin cannot stay in power because of the Ukraine war. A journalist asked him at a press conference in Washington: “Do you believe what you said that Putin cannot stay in power?” “I did not announce any policy change then or now. I have expressed my moral outrage and I make no apologies for it.” Biden said he was visiting families displaced by the Russian invasion of Ukraine shortly before making his remarks over the weekend in the Polish capital of Warsaw. Biden’s sentence forced US officials to clarify that the White House does not advocate regime change in Russia. However, the Kremlin described Biden’s statements as alarming: “Are you confident that Vladimir Putin doesn’t see this as an escalation?” a reporter wanted to know… “I don’t care what he thinks. …He’ll do what he’s going to do.” At the press conference, Biden was supposed to present his new budget, which includes new record spending on defense. Biden also wants $6.9 billion as part of it given Russia’s war of aggression in Ukraine spend on NATO and strengthening military deterrence in Europe.


US President Joe Biden has defended his statement that Russian President Vladimir Putin “cannot stay in power” because of the Ukraine war.

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