Video: Bavaria in the shadow of the lockdown: 2-G sets should help

Bavaria in the shadow of the lockdown: 2-G sets should help

Impressions from downtown Munich on Saturday. It is the last weekend before the tightened corona measures come into force in the coming week. The de facto lockdown for the unvaccinated is coming. Voices from the pedestrian zone. “Yes, it’s just annoying now. And I would like to see more vaccinations so that we can get out of this loop.” “That should have come much earlier, then we wouldn’t be in this mess. That’s my opinion.” “I think it is a shame that so many people are only now … when you can no longer go to the pubs to get vaccinated. That is the completely wrong motivation for me, but if it leads to it at the end of the day that we can live more safely, it’s good. ” “Well, you are now put under pressure. And in the end you are no longer free. Then you have to say: Fine, I bow to the pressure now. And if you ask me honestly, the vaccination will also come.” After the announcement of the general compulsory obligation in neighboring Austria, German politicians are not ruling this out either. While the acting Foreign Minister Heiko Maas of the SPD said on Friday that this would not exist, the Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder campaigned for an introduction in the coming year. Bavaria’s Prime Minister Söder announced the stricter measures on Friday. In areas badly affected by the coronavirus, the Free State wants to close clubs and discos. Christmas markets are also canceled. On Saturday, the RKI reported an incidence of 635.6 for Bavaria. The Robert Koch Institute recently gave the hospitalization rate for Germany at 5.34. The value indicates how many people infected with corona per 100,000 inhabitants are admitted within seven days. In the future, the value should be decisive for tightening the corona measures.


While Germany is discussing compulsory vaccination, Bavaria, Saxony, Thuringia and other federal states are preparing for stricter corona measures. Voices from downtown Munich.

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