Video: Baerbock – Must be prepared for all scenarios

Baerbock – Must be prepared for all scenarios

(NOTE: THIS ARTICLE IS WITHOUT VOICE TEXT.) Federal Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock (Greens) on Saturday in Cairo: “The situation in Europe is tricky. We are therefore continuing to work with all our might to find a solution through diplomatic channels. This is exactly why he is traveling German Chancellors also go to Kiev and Moscow on Monday and Tuesday.” // “Our message is the same everywhere: we are ready for dialogue. But renewed aggression against Ukraine would have a drastic price. Because we see no signs of de-escalation at the military level, on the contrary.” // “We therefore have to be prepared for all scenarios. Intensive consultations are currently taking place with our partners and friends. With regard to security in Ukraine, I have decided to reinforce the crisis prevention measures already taken.” // “We will keep our embassy in Kiev open, but will reduce the dispatched diplomats, diplomatic staff there.” // “The Federal Foreign Office is also issuing a travel warning for Ukraine. Germans who are staying there are asked to leave the country to consider them. The measures are already being implemented with the crisis meeting and there will then be one or two for further finalization take days.”


Federal Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock confirms the hope for a diplomatic solution to the Ukraine conflict.

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