Video: Baerbock: EU will continue to increase pressure on Iran

STORY: NOTE: This post will be broadcast without narration. Interview with Annalena Baerbock (Greens), Foreign Minister: “A regime that murders its own youth in order to intimidate its population. It has no future. As the European Union, our clear reaction is to continue to increase the pressure, especially on the Revolutionary Guards. And that is why we, the Federal Government, together with other EU partners, are once again taking the initiative to introduce human rights sanctions that are targeted and individual to those responsible, that we further expand these human rights sanctions and that at the next EU Foreign Council further listing of high-ranking members of the Revolutionary Guards can decide together who are responsible for the brutal repression.For shots in the streets, for torture and rape and murder in prisons.I know that many, especially in Germany – and I said it personally myself- it is political right to keep the Revolutionary Guards in the EU as a terrorist organization sten to call a spade a spade, because it is an important signal. But it is a different system, which is not necessarily harsher in its effect, but the effect of the human rights sanctions, that is the central aspect for us, because the listing of terrorist organizations was specifically created after September 11 for terrorist attacks within the European Union has been. Irrespective of the legal system under which sanctions and listing take place, I have also instructed today that the Iranian Ambassador be summoned to the Federal Foreign Office again in order to make it absolutely clear that the brutal repression, oppression and terrorization of the country’s own population, as well as the recent both executions will not go unanswered.”


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